This angmoh can eat alot!! Today is a sneak attack. One msg said:" Meet later, ?" v ON ar, and here we end up stuffing ourselves again.
I tell myself I must write down this entry before I fall into coma in my bed.ZZZ
As usual, I huan3 sheng2 the whole day. While arranged to meet Gan outside Watsons, I thgt I saw her. *Sorry to Gan* AND I keep Waving to "Gan". As I walk nearer, can *slap* myself. Wrong person.
Then while walking , Gan noticed a guy decked out in bright PINK , from head to toe. She keep saying about the guy, and ask me whether I got noticed. AGAIN, no!! HAHAHA, She was flabbergasted as nobody will have missed the bright pink figure that walk past. My Huan3 sheng2 really reach the highest realm.
I am a zai nu .. HAHA
~ Likes ~Rilakkuma!!
~ Loves ~All stuff that are gorgeous
~ Hates ~All stuff that are gross..
~ Wishes ~To be brave enough , strong enough.